First Day Covers exchanges.

You send a First Day Cover
to a random member
and you receive one back!

FDC exchange BD-12
02 December 2018
14 February 2019
Duration: 73 days
Feedback: 1 Stars
Photo by forget_me_not
14 Feb 2019, 18:36:15
Please, delete the image of the FDC with my address! The addresses given to you are private information!
11 Mar 2019, 07:06:06
I am very Sorry .
I thought to show you that I sent you FDC.
I sent 2 FDC & Stamps to Ukraine about 9 months ago
But the addressee did not get my envelope.
Sometimes misunderstanding can occur.
19 Mar 2019, 11:52:14
Have no idea why you mention your problem with Ukraine here.
Addresses are for private use only. Thanks to the site administration the image of the FDC with my addresses was deleted. But my feedback is so low because your FDC was mailed unenveloped but not on the first day of issue and it reached me in an awful condition with a request to send a FDC back from Russia, with the list of the preferences attached. is not a direct swap and I'm sure this is not what you expect to get from other members.
UNESCO Postcards