First Day Covers exchanges.

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FDC exchange RU-591
25 April 2024
21 July 2024
Duration: 86 days
Feedback: 5 Stars
Photo by juliasaleh
12 Oct 2024, 22:16:41
№ 3053. Admission of Crimea, Taman and Kuban into the Russian Empire. 1783

In 1783, the territories of the Crimean Khanate were integrated into the Russian Empire during the military campaign of Grigory Potemkin after the abdication of the last Crimean Khan Shahin Giray.

On April 19, 1783, Catherine II signed a Manifesto on the accession of Crimea, Taman and Kuban to the Russian Empire.

In 1784, a Taurian Region was instituted under the Prince Potemkin’s administration, which consisted of the Crimean Peninsula, the adjacent Northern Black Sea coastal area and Taman.

The postal block features a fragment of portrait Catherine II as a Legislator in the Temple of the Goddess of Justice by D. Levitsky (State Russian Museum, 1783) and the text of the Manifesto; the postage stamp provides a map of Crimea, Taman and Kuban in the composition of the Russian Empire in 1783.
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