FDC's sent: 7
FDC's received: 4
FDC's in progress: 0
Stars received: 5.00
Country: Australia
Languages: English & Australian slang
Member since: 27 September 2023
Last activity: 29 July 2024
Greetings and hello from Colin.
I live on the East coast of Oz.
My avatar is an Aussie Emu, no not me, but these are great to see in the bush. Keep your distance as they will attack if they have a brood of young chicks. I have seen them attack three dingoes. They have a top speed of 50km/h+.
I have been collecting first day covers since I was 10 years young.
I have boxes full but have given a large number to my granddaughter who is a collector too.
I would love to send a cover to someone who collects them. I do not send to anyone who puts; "Send me anything" No way Jose. Some people just want anything and are greedy.
I try and send an interesting cover that you can relate to Australia. This is not always possible, but I know what most collectors like as I once sold on eBay and the net.
To ensure they arrive safe and sound I send the cover in an envelope. I also use interesting current postage stamps that will surprise you.
I love all animals except tics, tape worms and Taipans. I once had a large carpet snake as a pet when a teenager, but dad said it had to go as he attracted other snakes. We called him "Joe Blake" the snake. I also bred mice to feed him so that probably attracted the snakes.
I put a lot of thought into what cover I send, after I read your profile. I am looking forward to sharing a hobby I have enjoyed for many a day.
Look forward to meeting you on "FDC Exchanges."
Best wishes from Colin.